Full list of products
In the main menu, go to the Products section and choose the same name to see the complete list of products from your store. These are displayed in a table where you can arrange them by name in alphabetical order or vice versa (click on the Product column) or based on price - ascending or descending (click on the Price column).
In the table with all the products from your store you have the following columns:
- Image - See the image you’ve added for the respective product
- Product - The name of the product
- Enabled - If the product is active in the store
- Price - The product’s price and, if applicable, that product’s sale price
- Inventory - How many units of the respective products you have in stock (you can change the value if you click on the number) and the product’s status (In stock, out-of-stock order, etc.)
- Modify and Delete options let you bring changes to the products’ information (remember to save the changes), or you can delete the desired products from the list
Product search
In the upper part of the page, you have available a fast search system for products based on the following criteria:
- By name - Fill in the Product field with the product’s name and click on the Search button
- By category - Select the desired category (previously created) from the Category field and click on the Search button
- By Brands - Select the desired brand (previously created) from the Brands field and click on the Search button
- Show variants - Choose if you want to see only the products with or only the products without variants in the Show Variants and click on the Search button
- By status - Choose Yes/No from the Enabled field and click on the Search button
- By stock status - Choose the stock status from which you want your products to be displayed and click on the Search button
- By labels - Choose the desired label from the Labels field and click on the Search button (note: you can add labels to products from the Display tab from the create/ modify product page)
- By discounts - To search only for products with discounts, check the Discounts box and click on the Search button
If you want to abandon the search, you can click the Clear filters button, and you will be prompted with the list of all the products from your store.
Create extra statuses for your products
On the top-right of the page, you will find a wheel icon that you can click to create extra statuses for the products in your online store.
To create a new status, click on the Create a new status button. Here you need to enter the status' name, select if the product with this status can be ordered and click on the Save button.
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