In this article you will learn how to (1) create a new page and to (2) edit predefined pages, but also how to (3) use the page sections.
In the main menu, go to Content and then select the option Pages. Here, you can see all the pages from your store (the ones created by you and the predefined ones) in the form of a table that you can use to search a specific page by name, you can edit it, or you can view each page. Moreover, you can delete the pages created on the platform.
1. Create a new page
You can create new pages using one of the three templates: Black Friday - for your Black Friday campaigns, Landing - for other campaigns and promotions and Pages - for different types of content.
See a step by step guide on how to use the three templates by reading the articles below:
- Black Friday
- Landing
- Pages
2. Edit predefined pages
All online stores need a couple of pages with specific information that offers their customers all the information they need and also so that the store operates legally. On the Gomag platform, you already have these pages created for you. All you need to do is to edit their content so that it suits your business.
- Search the list of the page you want to change.
- Click on the editing icon (...).
- Enter the necessary information and click on Advanced editing to add or delete certain sections.
3. Understand the pages' sections
Both the predefined pages and the ones created by you using one of the templates have sections with different roles.
You can add as many sections as you want on a page so that it meets your needs. You only have to click on "Add section" button and choose one of the sections:
(click on any of the sections to go directly to the instructions)
- Product list
- Black Friday products
- Title
- Content
- Banners
- Timer
- Video
- Testimonials
- Form
- Brand
- Review
- Blog posts
- Image gallery
- Customer Registration Form
- WordPress articles
Product list
Add this section to display some of your products in your store. For example, if you want to promote a series of new products.
- Product list
- You can add products in four different ways; click on the arrow on the Add button:
1. Manual Selection - You will be prompted with a pop-up from which you can manually choose the products you want to add to this product list.
2. Import - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to click on the Select File button to import a file with products from your computer. The file needs to be in TSV format (text file with values separated by TAB) or XLS (Excel file).
3. Price List - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to select the Price List that you wish to add and choose if the products from the list Add to existing products or Replace existing products.
4. Advanced - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to select the Product Category and Brand from which the products will be displayed, set a price range, and add the Product limit you wish to add (you have a limit of 50 products).
- After you add the products by manual selection, import or price list, you can see the products if you click on the See all button.
- If you click on the three dots on the left side of the added products, you can change their order or delete them if you click on the X on their right.
- For the products added in Advanced mode, you will see the Name of the Category selected, the selected brand, the minimum and maximum price selected
- Add to cart button
- Choose if you want or not to display the Add to cart button.
- Sorting
- Choose the way you want your products to be Sorted on the page. You can sort by order added, best selling, new, discount, rating, ascending price, descending price or recommended.
- Display
- You can choose from three different display modes:
1. List - Will display the products simultaneously on the entire width and length of the page.
2. Carousel - The products will be displayed as a carousel and you can navigate left-right to see all the products.
3. Carousel with Background - The products will be displayed as a carousel and you can navigate left-right to see all products, but you can also add a background to them.
- Visibility
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a certain time interval or hidden.
Black Friday products
You can add this section of the Black Friday campaign pages or on any other type of promotions.
- Start campaign
- If you choose to fill in this field, the products will not be displayed on your site until you enter a starting date for the campaign.
- Black Friday products
- You can add products in three different ways; click on the arrow from the Add button:
1. Manual Selection - You will be prompted with a pop-up from which you can manually choose the products you want to add to this product list.
2. Import - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to click on the Select File button to import a file with products from your computer. The file needs to be in TSV format (text file with values separated by TAB) or XLS (Excel file).
3. Price List - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to select the Price List that you wish to add and choose if the products from the list Add to existing products or Replace existing products.
- After you add the products, you can see the products if you click on the See all button.
- If you click on the three dots on the left side of the added products, you can change their order and delete them if you click on the X on their right.
- Add Menu
- You can change the categories' name for the products included on this landing page if you click on the Add button on the right side of the Menu. Here you will be prompted with a pop-up in which you can make these changes. In the Category Name field, you need to enter the name displayed on the website, and from the Product category, you can change the category for which you want to change the name.
- Sorting
- Choose the way you want your products to be Sorted on the page. You can sort by order added, best selling, new, discount, rating, ascending price, descending price or recommended.
- Show variants separately
- Choose if you want or not to show variants separately.
The changes you bring here regarding category names will not apply on the entire site, but only on the landing page for which they were made.
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle.
- Enter the text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Set the section visibility: permanently visible, visible only on a particular time interval or hidden.
- Click on the three dots next to the Content text. Here you can add the text which will be displayed on the page. Also, you can set it up as you like.
- Set the section’s visibility: permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
- Click on the Add button to add the desired banners.
- You will be prompted with a pop-up in which you can add the Name of the Banner, the Banner, the page's URL that will open when you click on it, the Title for the specified URL, the Interval when the Banner will be enabled in the store, its Position, the Devices it will be displayed on, and it's Width.
- Click on the three dots on the Banner's left side, and you will change their order. If you click on the three dots on the Banner's right side, you can edit it, and if you click on the delete button, you will delete it.
- Choose if they will be displayed as a group of banners (side by side) or as a slider (they will automatically change).
- If you opt for a banners display group, select the number of banners you want to display on the same row.
- If you opt for a slider banners display, select the time interval for when the banners change between them.
- Set section visibility: permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
This element will be displayed as a bar (similar to a HelloBar), showing a text and a timer.
- Start campaign
- Choose the starting date for your campaign.
- Stop campaign
- Choose the end date for your campaign.
- Message after start
- Enter the message which will be displayed after the campaign starts.
- Message before start
- Enter the message which will be displayed before the campaign starts.
- Background colour
- Choose the colour of the timer’s background.
- Text colour
- Choose the colour for the text displayed on the timer.
- Choose a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Optionally, in the Content field, you can add an additional text.
- Enter the video’s URL that you want to display on the page.
- Set the section’s visibility: permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
- Testimonials
- Click on the Add button and choose the testimonials that will be displayed on the page.
- You will be prompted with a pop-up, check the box associated with the desired testimonial to select it and to add it to the page.
- Interval
- Choose the interval in seconds after which the testimonials change.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible only in a specific time interval or hidden.
- Title
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Enter the actual text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Message
- Click on the three dots and enter the text which describes this section.
- Fields - Click on the three dots to open a list of fields to add to your form:
- Add or delete fields that you don’t need.
- In the Tag column, enter the text displayed on the page for the respective fields.
- Check the box in the Mandatory column for the fields that you want to be mandatory.
- In the Message error column, enter the text displayed if the respective column is not filled in correctly or, for the mandatory ones, was left blank.
To add extra fields in your form, click on Add new field and choose the field type you wish to add.
- Text button
- Enter the text to display on the button at the end of the form.
- Appearance
- Choose the button’s colour and text.
- Actions
- If you want to receive information from your form via email, choose the Send Email option. If you choose this, make sure you enter in the next field the recipient email address where the emails sent by form need to arrive.
- If you use the form for newsletter subscriptions, choose the option Sent to (the app you are using). In this case, your next step is to choose the list of emails where you want to centralise the email addresses received via this landing page.
- Thank you message
- Click on the three dots and enter the message, which will be displayed after the form is filled in.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
- Brands
- Click on the Add button; you will be prompted with a pop up with brands. Choose the ones you want to display on your page.
- Check the box associated with the desired brand to select and add it in your page.
- Title
- Enter a title for this section—for example, The most loved brands, Your favourite brands, etc.
- Appearance
- Choose if you want to display only the logo or logo and brand descriptions on your page.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
This section allows you to enter your HTML, CSS, JS codes. Basically, you can create content that looks exactly as you want it with the sole condition that you write the codes correctly.
- Click on the three dots next to HTML text and enter the HTML, CSS or JS code.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
This section will be displayed on the page as a slider with products for which customers left reviews.
- Title
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Enter the actual text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Display limit
- Choose how many of the most recent reviews will be displayed on the page.
- Minimum rating
- Choose if you want to display only the reviews which have a specific number of stars.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a particular interval of time or hidden.
Blog posts
This section allows you to display blog posts in your store from the Gomag platform. First, you need to configure your blog from the Gomag platform and add articles to have content on this section. See HERE how to configure your blog.
- Title
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Enter the actual text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Show
- Choose if you want to show the last articles from your blog or certain articles from a category. If you choose to show articles from a certain category, choose the respective category.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
Image gallery
- Add
- Click on the Add button and upload the images you want to display on the page.
- Image gallery
- Choose if you want to display the images as a group of images or as a slider.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
Customer Registration Form
By adding this section, you give your customers the possibility of opening an account with your store from any page you want.
- Title
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Enter the actual text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Message
- Click on the three dots and enter the text you want to display in the upper part of the registration form.
- After form send
- You can create a Thank you message. To do so, choose Display message, click on the three dots and enter the text, which will be displayed after the form is filled in.
- You can also Redirect to page and choose the page’s name to redirect your customer. To do so, select Redirect to page and choose the pages’s name where you want to redirect the customer.
- You can also Redirect to another URL. To do so, choose the Redirect to URL and enter the URL where you want to redirect the customer that filled in the form.
- Login after registration
- Choose if you want your customers to log in after registration automatically.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible only in a specific time interval or hidden.
WordPress articles
This section will display several articles selected by you from the link you enter in the Blog URL section.
- Title
- Choose if you want to add a title or a subtitle for this section.
- Enter the actual text. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon which will be displayed on the left side of it.
- Blog URL
- Enter the blog’s URL from where the articles will be taken.
- Article limit
- Choose the limit of articles that will be taken from the blog.
- Articles displayed on the page
- Choose the number of articles to display on the page.
- Interval
- Choose the time interval for when the articles change.
- Visible
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
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