To have a default menu, you need to enable at least one category. The category needs to have the “Visible on menu” setting - checked with Yes, and at least one active product assigned.
To create a Custom Menu, you need to go to the Content section and select the Menus option. Here you can create a new menu, and you will see and change the ones previously created.
The new Menu needs to be created from scratch, adding to it every category and subcategory. This is not an extension to the default menu but a new standalone menu.
To add a new menu, click on the Create Menu red button on the screen's right side. You will be prompted with a new window with two tabs: General Information and Links.
In the General Information tab, fill in the Menu Name box to quickly find it in the menu whenever you need it or whenever you want to change it with another. You are the only one to see the name; it will not be displayed on the site.
Select the Menu Type that you want to create, based on the area where you want to display it:
Then you can choose if you want to enable, disable or enable the menu in a specific time interval.
After you perform the necessary settings, go to the Links tab to add pages and categories.
1. Main Menu
The Main Menu is positioned in the upper area of your website.
After you go to the Links tab, you will be prompted with a field in which you can choose different options to display specific pages, URLs or categories in the menu.
Usually, the first link in the Menu is and redirects you to your store’s Homepage. To add the Home page, go to the list of options and select Page. When you select the Page option, two fields will open, which you need to fill in.
In the second field, select the page you want to display as your primary page in the Menu, in our case, the Home page. Next, go to the Anchor field and enter a name for this page when displayed in the site’s Menu.
If you want the page name to remain the same as in the previous field, leave this field blank.
To add a new page or category, click on Add New Link.
For each of these pages or categories, you can select the
Open in new tab option. This means that the page or category for which you’ve chosen this option will open into a new tab. You can do this if you click on the wheel icon on the right part of the screen (here numbered with 1), then check the Open in the new tab box (here numbered with 2).
When you choose this option, it will automatically add to the first category previously created in the platform. If you want to select another category other than the one automatically selected, choose the one you want from the scrolling list. Choose the desired category and change its name if you want in the Anchor field.
If you have a Category with multiple subcategories, add in your menu the Subcategories (level 1) option. In the following field, choose the category's name with subcategories and change its name if you want it displayed under another name, using the Anchor field.
If you have a main category with subcategories which have other subcategories, for the following sections from the Menu, choose Subcategories (levels 1 & 2).
4. Subcategories (levels 1 & 2)
Choose from the second field the category with subcategories and sub-subcategories and change the name that will appear in the Menu. You can leave this field blank if you want the category name to remain the same as in the platform,
If in the main Menu, Product option you have selected the Brands option and added one or more brands, you can add the Brands section in the Menu.
Choose the Brands option and select the brand that you want to display in the Menu.
If you want, you can add a list URL. This list is similar to a category that has subcategories. To add a list with URLs, choose the List URL option.
To add an anchor name, click on the Link name field. For this section, please enter the name you want to display in the Menu. If you're going to use it as a redirect to a specific URL, fill in this URL in the Anchor field.
To add the desired links, click on the next field (here numbered with 2).
In the first tab, you need to select the URL option, in the second field, enter the website's URL that you want to add and in the third tab, enter the name that will be displayed in your Menu.
With this option, it is mandatory to fill in the
Link name section. Otherwise, it will not be visible on your website.
After you select the List URL option, fill in the Link name section with the name Social Media, this name will be displayed in the menu on your website. Go to the following field, select the URL option and add the website’s URL to which you want to redirect your visitor. In the 3rd field, enter the name for the URL entered earlier: Facebook.
If you want more pages in your link URL list, click on from the right side of the first field and follow all the steps described above.
You can add other options as well, not only URLs; you can build a category structure.
To build a category structure with the help of a list URL, follow these 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Choose the List URL option and give it a name in the Link name section.
Step 2: In the next section, choose the Category section and the name of the main category you want to display.
Step 3: Choose the Subcategories (level 1) section. Then the main category with the subcategories you want to display in the menu.
Also, you can add a page, a brand or an URL; your menu from the platform will look like as in the following image.
Here numbered with 1 - you have the name of the main category, with 2 - the subcategory's name for the main category (1), with 3 - the brand's name, with 4 - the URL's name, with 5 - a page's name. On your site, the menu will be displayed like this:
If you want to add a section to redirect you to another page in the Menu, you need to choose the URL option. After selecting the URL option, in the next tab, enter the link to which you want to redirect the visitors, and in the last tab, choose the name under which it will appear in the Menu.
With this option, it is mandatory to fill in the Link name section. Otherwise, it will not be visible in the Menu.
If you want to change the pages and categories order, you can do this with the help of the button.
2. Secondary menu
The Secondary menu is positioned after the Main Menu. To create it, you need to add a new menu. For that, click on Create Menu and choose Menu Type - Secondary Menu. After you go to the Links tab, follow the steps described at the Main Menu.
3. Footer Links
The Footer Links is the menu that will be positioned in the page’s footer. To create it, you need to add a new menu. Click on Create Menu and choose Menu Type - Footer Links. After you go to the Links tab, follow the steps described at the Main Menu.
If you don’t create a Footer Link in the page’s footer, a default Footer Link will be created for you in the platform.
4. Static pages
The Static pages menu is the menu that will be displayed on the left side of your store. To create it, you need to add a new menu. Click on Create Menu and choose Menu Type - Static Pages.
After choosing the menu type, it is paramount to select the pages where you want to display this menu. You can display the menu on all the website’s pages or only on the pages selected by you.
After choosing the pages, just as in the other menu types, you need to decide what pages, links or categories you want to have displayed in this menu. To do that, follow the steps described for the Main Menu section.
Just as in the Footer Links case, if you don’t create a Static pages menu, the one created by default by the platform will be displayed.
5. Cart Header Links
The Cart Header Links is the menu displayed in the upper part of the page when you go to the Shopping Cart. If you want it to be different from the Cart Header Links, you need to add a new menu. Click on the Create Menu, choose the Type menu - Cart Header Links, and follow the steps described for the Main Menu.
If you do not create a
Cart Header Link, the menu displayed in your shopping cart will be the default one created by the platform and not the one created by you for the Home page.
6. Cart Footer Links
The Cart Footer Links is the menu displayed in the page's footer when you go to the Shopping Cart. If you want it to be different from the default Cart Footer Links, you need to add a new menu. Click on the Create Menu and choose the Type menu - Cart Footer Links, and follow the steps described for the Main Menu.
If you do not create a
Cart Footer Link, the menu displayed in your shopping cart will be the default one created by the platform and not the one created by you for the Home page.
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