In Gomag platform, you can create an unlimited number of vouchers for the shopping cart.
Create a new voucher
In the main menu, go to the Marketing section, Shopping Cart option.
Here, click on Create Voucher and add an Overview for the voucher.
Step 1: Enter a Name for the voucher to help identify the rule.
Step 2: Enter a Public Name for the voucher. This name will be visible to customers; it will be displayed in the shopping cart and on invoices.
Step 3: Set how you want to calculate the Discount in the shopping cart - it can be a percentage, a fixed price from the product’s price or a fixed amount from the shopping’s cart total.
Step 4: Choose if you want to use Voucher Codes. Using them means that you limit the access to vouchers to the number of inserted codes in this field. You can opt for generating several codes automatically.
Step 5: Choose if you want to offer Free Shipping for the voucher you’re creating.
Step 6: Choose if you want to Enable the voucher or if you want to make it available in a specific time interval.
Step 7: Set the Conditions that need to be met for the voucher to apply, following the steps:
- Choose if “all” conditions are (or not) met or “any” of the conditions you are about to add.
- Choose the condition, which can refer to product (code, price, stock, brand, etc.), a product attribute (in case you’ve set an attribute), the customer (for example, his first name) or sales channels (for example, eMAG Marketplace).
- Choose a variable between equals to, greater than or equal to, less than or equal to, greater than, lesser than, not equals, in, not in the list.
- Check or enter the time limit for the condition.
You can offer discounts in the shopping cart based on the tags you’ve set for your customers. To offer a discount to customers with a specific tag, you need to add the Customer condition in the conditions section; you will find the customer’s tag in the “tag name” list. This discount will be displayed exclusively in the shopping cart of customers that have the respective tag.
Step 8: Options you can set:
- Quantity Limit - Fill in this field when a customer adds more items of the same product in his cart, but you don't want to offer him a voucher for all items.
- Uses/ Voucher Code - You can limit the number of uses for every voucher previously created.
- Uses / Client - You can limit access for this voucher so it can’t be used multiple times by the same customer.
- Usage Limit - Fill in this field if you want to offer this voucher to a limited number of buyers.
- Priority - Choose the order in which the rules apply to the products; if there are two different rules set for a product, the rule with the higher priority will apply.
- Last Rule - Choose "Yes" if you want to ignore all the following rules (based on priority).
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