You can find the Calendar functionality in the Main Menu, CRM section. You can use this app to plan or note various actions you need to perform for each customer.
On March 15, 2022, you can write that the customer John Smith will need a new filter for his Water Filter system. In this way, you can notify him via email that he needs to change the filter, or you can automatically send him a new filter based on an agreement you both had.
There are two ways in which you can add tasks in the calendar:
1. Add from Calendar
To add a task (note) in the Calendar, go to the CRM section and click on the Calendar option which you can find in the main menu.
Here, you have two options to add notes in the Calendar.
The first option is to click on Create Task from the top-right area of the screen.
Or you can click on a day in the calendar you want to add a task.
After you click on the Create Task button or a particular day, a window will open in which you will need to fill in the information that you want to display in the calendar.
In the Note section, enter what you want to do for your customer on that particular day. For Date and Hour, choose the date and the hour when you will perform that action. In the Customer field, enter the customer's name you are scheduling the activity. At Responsible, set one of the accounts with access to the platform.
After you've entered all the information, don't forget to click on the Save button. You will see the tasks you've created in the Calendar, just like in the picture below.
The tasks can be displayed in three distinct colours: blue, orange and grey, each having a different meaning.
BLUE - open task, the deadline is not exceeded, in progress;
ORANGE - deadline exceeded, task is not finished;
GREY - closed task, completed on time;
2. Add from Customer account
To add a task (note) from the Customer Account, click on the Customers option, CRM section from the main menu.
To add a task to a customer, he needs to be a Customer with an Active Account.
Choose the customer with an active account for which you want to add a task in the calendar; click on the three dots in the screen's right to edit the information. Here you can see all the information about the respective customer. To add a task in the calendar, click on the Tasks tab and Create Task.
Enter the necessary information, the same as in the Add from calendar section.
If you are in the Customer Account and you click on Calendar. The calendar with the programmed tasks for a respective customer will then open.
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