In the Main Menu, go to Settings, General section to add general information about your company and online store. A page with 6 tabs will open; you need to fill them in as follows:
General settings
- Select the Country/Countries where you ship products from your online store.
- Choose the Available price currencies - that is the currency used in your online store.
- If you are bringing significant changes to your store’s design or you are adding a large number of products by import, during this process, you can enable the Under construction page so that the store can’t be accessed
- Enter the name of your online store.
- Choose a Logo for your store. It will represent your store, and it will also be used on the invoices generated by Gomag.
- Choose if you want or not to display your logo in the store. We recommend you select ”Yes” so that your visitors associate your products with your logo.
- Choose the Favicon, which will be displayed in the browser window. It must have a size of 32 x 32 px / PNG format.
- Enter a Copyright Text to define your store’s identity.
- Choose if you want to give your visitors the possibility to register with your store.
- Choose if you want to display in the customer’s account the group allocated to him.
- Choose if a sales agent attributed to a customer can add himself to the customer’s orders.
- Choose if the customer needs to be logged in to complete the order.
- Choose if you want to display all shipping options. The ones that do not match the customer’s location will be displayed as inactive.
- Choose if you want to display the delivery’s date and time. Enabling this field, the customer will select the date and time for his parcel delivery.
- If you choose YES for Delivery date & Time, you need to set the Number of months in advance for delivery and the Days and time intervals for delivery which will be displayed at Checkout.
- Choose if you want to exclude the Delivery date & Time. By excluding this field, the customer will not be able to select the time for delivery.
- Choose if you allow customers to add attachments at Checkout. This option is available only for customers logged into their accounts.
- Choose the customers groups that can upload attachments at Checkout.
Your customers can choose the delivery date at Checkout, Delivery section.
- Choose if you want to display the category descriptions in the store. Keep in mind that a good description strongly influences the customer’s purchase decision; that is why we do not recommend hiding it.
- Choose the description’s position; it can be displayed at the bottom or at the top of the product list.
- Choose if you want to make the product prices visible in the store, hide them to all visitors, or make them visible only to log in customers.
- Choose if you want to enable public reviews from customers.
- Choose if you want to enable the possibility of uploading images to reviews.
- Choose if you want to display brand information in the product page.
- Select the default delivery time that will be visible into the store only for products you haven’t entered this information when you’ve added them.
- Choose a default image for products that do not have an image.
After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the data added.
- Enter the invoice Series.
- Enter the Number from which the invoice numbering starts during the current year.
- Enter the proforma Series.
- Enter the Number from which the proforma numbering starts during the current year.
- Choose if you want to display the VAT on Collect on invoices.
- Choose if you want to have consecutive numbers on invoices. If you select YES, it will take into account the highest invoice number registered. If you select NO, it will take into account the highest invoice number from the current year.
- Choose if you want to display a default note in the invoice’s footer.
- Choose if you are a VAT Payer or not.
If, along the way, you will change this option from VAT payer to not paying VAT or vice versa, don't forget to change the VAT rate for the products.
If your store sells in only one country, you will need to enter the respective country's default VAT rate.
If your online store sells in multiple countries, you can set the VAT rate for all countries. Also, you can add a particular VAT rate for each country by clicking on the Add VAT rate button.
After you click on the Add VAT rate, you need to select the country(s) for which the new VAT rate applies, enter the rate and click on Add.
In the VAT rate section, you can see the VAT rate for Romania, the VAT rate for the rest of the countries and the VAT rate for each country for which a private VAT rate was set. You can also add new VAT rates to change or delete the current VAT rates.
- Add the company’s name.
- Optionally, enter other company information: URC, Trade Registration Number, Social Capital, Bank Name, IBAN and registered office information: Country, County, Address.
After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the information you’ve added.
Contact information
For more trust, add contact information that your customers can use to reach you.
Enter the email address and the phone number. It is recommended to add the email address dedicated to your domain (for example,, not a general one (for example,, also add the company’s phone number.
You can add information as Country, County, Address, Postal Code and the company’s working hours.
Also, you can add a contact person to create a stronger bond between the company’s representatives and your customers. The information about your contact person will be visible on the stores’ contact page.
Also, you can add other communication channels that your customers can use to contact you: Facebook or Skype. To connect via Facebook, you need to enable the Facebook Login app. See how to perform the necessary configuration in THIS ARTICLE.
After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the information you’ve added.
Set Map Locations
If your company has a location (office) where you can receive visits from customers, set the map for this office in your store to make it easier to find.
After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the information you’ve added.
Social Media
You can add URLs for your Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn business accounts.
After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the information you’ve added.
Fill in Robots.txt the pages that you don’t want Google to index.
Disallow: /privacy-policy)
Each page that you don’t want to be indexed needs to be entered on a separate line.After adding the information, do not forget to click on the Save button to avoid losing the information you’ve added.
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