On the Orders page, you will find the complete and detailed list of orders registered in your store, including the ones added manually by you for your clients. You can search for a specific order and select different colours for the statuses of your orders.
You can always add a new order if you click on Create Order from your page's top right. If you need help, you can find all the information you need HERE.
1. Full list of orders
The orders appear in a table where you can rearrange them in chronological order or reverse chronological order (click on Order column). The table has the following columns:
- Order - Features the order's status, the agent that processed the order, the number, the date on which it was placed, the total value, payment method and means of delivery.
- Customer - Features the customer's name and information about his account in your store.
- Details option - Lets you see all the details of the respective order.
2. Searching for an order
If you use the fast search option on the top of the page, you can find one or more orders from the displayed list using one of its details:
- The number of the order/invoice - enter the order no. or the invoice in this field and click on the Search button.
- Customer details - Enter the name, email address or phone number of your customer in the Customer field and click on Search
- Order Status - Select the order's type (new order, order by phone, returned etc.) from Orders field and click on Search
- Product ordered - Enter the name of the product from the order in the Product field and click on Search
- Order date - Select from Date of the Order field a period or the exact date and click on the Search button
- Shipping date - Select from the Shipping Date field a period or the exact date and click on the Search button
- Order from - Choose the place from where the order was placed: Website or eMag Marketplace.
- Contacted - Select whether the customer was contacted or not.
- Sales Agent - Select the Sales Agent, which processed the respective order.
If you wish to quit the Search, you can click on Clear filters, and you will see the list with all the orders placed in your store.
3. Setting a colour for statuses
You can set a specific colour for each status in your store. These colours are useful when you want to differentiate a new order, one by phone, delivered, unpaid, returned, received, cancelled, paid or shipped.
You can do that if you click on the wheel icon next to the Create Order button.
After you click on the wheel icon, a new page will open, in which the statuses for your online store will be displayed.
Next to every status, there is a button with three dots, click on it to rename the status and select a colour for it.
You can select a colour for each status. After you choose a colour don't forget to click on the Save button.
Based on the colours selected, you can distinguish the status of the orders in the Orders page.
4. Groups of statuses
In the section where you can select colours for the order statuses, you can create Groups of statuses. This helps you group the order statuses in a specific group.
To create a Group of statuses, click on Add in Group.
You will be prompted with a page in which you will need to enter the:
Name - Enter the name of the group for easy identification.
Colour - Select a colour for the respective group.
Public name - Enter the name of the group, which will be displayed to the customer.
Public description - Enter the description that the customer will see when he checks the order status.
After you fill in the information, do not forget to click on the Save button.
After you created the groups, you will need to attribute a status for each of them.
To attribute status to a group of statuses, click on the three dots next to the status you want to attribute to a group.
In the section Group, choose the group's name for which you want to attribute the respective status, then click the Save button.
After creating the groups and the attribution of the order statuses, your clients will be able to check their orders' status, even without an account. To check the order's status, the client will need to enter the order's number and the email address used for the order.
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