Create a landing page
Creating a landing page for your marketing campaigns requires a few easy steps:
Step 1: In the main Menu, go to the Content section, Pages, click on Create Page and choose Landing Page option.
Step 2: Here, you can add different sections to create the page with the elements you need.
- Title - Enter the title of your campaign, which will be displayed on the page. Optionally, you can add a suggestive icon displayed on the left side of the title.
- Timer - This element appears as a bar (similar to a HelloBar) and will display a text and a timer.
- Choose the time frame for your campaign by selecting the start and end date.
- Fill in the following two fields with the message displayed before the campaign starts and the message displayed when the campaign ends
- Choose the colour for the background and the text.
- Banner - Upload from your computer one or more representative banners for your campaign, and choose if they will be displayed as a group of banners (side by side) or as a slider (they will automatically change).
- Content - Enter a short description of your campaign.
- Product list - You can add products in four different ways, click on the arrow on the Add button:
- Manual Selection - You will be prompted with a pop-up from which you can manually choose the products you want to add to this product list.
- Import - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to click on the Select File button to import a file with products from your computer. The file needs to be in TSV format (text file with values separated by TAB) or XLS (Excel file).
- Price List - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to select the Price List that you wish to add and choose if the products from the list Add to existing products or Replace existing products.
- Advanced - You will be prompted with a pop-up where you need to select the Product Category and Brand from which the products will be displayed, set a price range, and add the Product limit you wish to add (you have a limit of 50 products).
- After you add the products by manual selection, import or price list, you can see the products if you click on the See all button.
- If you click on the three dots on the left side of the added products you can change their order, delete them if you click on the X on their right.
- For the products added in Advanced mode, you will see the Name of the Category selected, the selected brand, the minimum and maximum price selected.
- Add to cart button
- Choose if you want or not to display the Add to cart button.
- Sorting
- Choose the way you want your products to be Sorted on the page. You can sort by order added, best selling, new, discount, rating, ascending price, descending price or recommended.
- Display
- You can choose from three different display modes:
- List - Will display the products simultaneously on the entire width and length of the page.
- Carousel - The products will be displayed as a carousel where you can navigate left-right to see all the products.
- Carousel with Background - The products will be displayed as a carousel where you can navigate left-right to see all products, but you can also add a background to them.
- Visibility
- Choose if the section will be permanently visible, visible in a certain time interval or hidden.
Don’t forget to click on the Save button for each section not to lose the changes made and preview them in real-time in the screen's right area.
See more information about the sections that you can add to a page HERE.
Step 3: Click on the wheel icon from the screen's left side and add the information.
- Enter a Name for the page to help you identify it.
- Choose if the section will be Visible permanently, visible in a specific time interval or hidden.
- Choose if you want or not to display the page in the Menu.
- Choose if you want or not to use the page as Home Page.
- Choose the Position for the page.
- Choose a Background colour.
- Upload a Background Image.
- Choose if you want or not to Repeat the image background.
- Enter the page URL you’ve just created.
- Enter the anchor’s name.
- Enter the page title.
- Enter the page description.
Don’t forget to click the Save button after every change. To publish the page, click on the Publish button.
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